Brown Kanchi Silk Cotton Saree Kurunji

Rs. 5,250.00

This beautiful Kanchi silk cotton saree in copper brown with red shot is handwoven with green bavanji borders woven using golden zari . The saree body has simple zari motifs woven in golden while the pallu features traditional lines in golden zari.

Fabric : Silk Cotton 

Approximate Length - 6.2 meters (inclusive of blouse length ; blouse is in contrast pallu colour)

Height - 44 inches

The colours you see on your device may vary due to the varying colour reproduction, brightness, resolution and temperature of individual devices

Frequently Bought Together

Total price:Rs. 7,450.00
  • This item: Brown Kanchi Silk Cotton Saree Kurunji Rs. 5,250.00
  • Custom Blouse Stitching Rs. 1,950.00
  • Fall and Pico Rs. 250.00

This beautiful Kanchi silk cotton saree in copper brown with red shot is handwoven with green bavanji borders woven using golden zari . The saree body has simple zari motifs woven in golden while the pallu features traditional lines in golden zari.

Fabric : Silk Cotton 

Approximate Length - 6.2 meters (inclusive of blouse length ; blouse is in contrast pallu colour)

Height - 44 inches

The colours you see on your device may vary due to the varying colour reproduction, brightness, resolution and temperature of individual devices

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